Website Localisation of Spanish SMEs: A Support Platform for Multilingual Dissemination from the Perspective of Translation

National Programme for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society

Code: CSO2015-64532-R



Constant changes in the economic environment, where globalisation and the development of the knowledge economy act as drivers, are systematically pushing companies towards the challenge of accessing external markets. This reality, together with the fact that website translation and localisation help encourage small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Spain to internationalise, thereby closing the gap between internet users from different socio-cultural and linguistic contexts, form the basis of LOCWEB_PYME.

LOCWEB_PYME is an initiative aimed at SMEs, web localisation professionals, researchers and end users. Its general objective focuses on making corporate website localisation processes easier and better for SMEs, by providing a transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary (linguistic, terminological, translation, documentary, technological and educational) perspective. This is done via the creation of a specialist web platform for support and guidance which brings together different analyses, resources and tools, and promotes communication and interaction between all players involved.